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Photo Info

Dimensions8114 x 5959
Original file size13.5 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken30-Jan-21 07:43
Date modified30-Jan-21 16:40
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelPENTAX 645Z
Focal length55 mm
Focal length (35mm)43 mm
Exposure25s at f/8
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto bracket
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 100
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
Blood Alley

Blood Alley

From this morning at the old fishing village in China Camp State Park. The only break in the mixed layer overcast was forming to the southeast, so I raced up to the north bay and over to this old Chinese fishing village to frame it in the good light. It is incredibly tranquil here, just a herd of deer that inhabit the woods and walk out on the beach at first light.
Yes, that is the venerable Mount Diablo on the distant horizon.
[from] "...A Chinese shrimp-fishing settlement thrived on this site in the 1880s. Nearly 500 people, originally from Canton, China, lived in the village. In its heyday, there were three general stores, a marine supply store and a barber shop. The site was used extensively in the filming of the 1955 movie Blood Alley starring John Wayne...."