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Photo Info

Dimensions8021 x 6193
Original file size16.6 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken11-Feb-22 18:23
Date modified12-Feb-22 17:29
Shooting Conditions

Camera modelPENTAX 645Z
Focal length25 mm
Focal length (35mm)19 mm
Exposure1/10 at f/13
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias-1 2/3 EV
Exposure modeAuto bracket
Exposure prog.Manual
ISO speedISO 100
Metering modeCenter-weighted average
Calla Lilies of Doud Creek

Calla Lilies of Doud Creek

From last evening at Doud Creek, near Garrapata State Beach, California. You cannot tell, but we were shoulder to shoulder in a cluster of photographers, hikers, romantic couples, etc., all here to enjoy the sunset.
Some random guy with an iphone walked through our shot and stood in front of us and said, "what's everybody waiting for?"
"YOU to move.", replied another.
Lens is the DFA 25mm f/4 on the 645Z. 2 exposure manual blend. At the moment the sun dropped beside the bluff, I stopped down to f/13 to coax a sunstar from the lens, and it performed on cue. I also had to clone out a few people downrange.
Thanks for looking!